Friday, October 15, 2010

No Plans

After a frantic search through my bag minutes ago, I came to the world ending conclusion "No!  I don't have my planner!"

But really, Anna, is that important?  No.  You know what's due today, you know at what times to go to class.  You'll survive not crossing off "Go to communion" for another seven hours.  Deep breath.  The world will not stop spinning.

I've found myself being an insufferably cynic for the past few days.  Do you ever get like that?  I just second guess whatever people are telling me, especially about God, so sure that they're cracked and I'm right [spelled that 'write' the first time...].  That's such a dangerous mindset to adopt, though.  We're working on it.

This song has been stuck in my head for a long time, and I've not gotten tired of it yet.  Maybe my favorite part is when Tom mocks Alex's hand gestures in the beginning.

Happy Friday, dear.  Don't forget to smile.

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